Understanding the Types of Alimony in New Jersey

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a financial arrangement in which one spouse provides financial assistance to the other during or after a divorce. In New Jersey, the court may award alimony to ensure that both parties can maintain a standard of living reasonably comparable to the one they enjoyed during their marriage. However, not all alimony awards are the same. New Jersey recognizes several types of alimony, each designed to address specific circumstances. Below, we explore the many different types of alimony in New Jersey, including open durational alimony, rehabilitative alimony, limited duration alimony, and reimbursement alimony. If you are seeking alimony in your New Jersey divorce in Union, Middlesex, or Essex County, or if alimony is being sought from you, contact the Law Offices of John B. D’Alessandro to speak with a skilled and knowledgeable Union divorce lawyer.
Open Durational Alimony
Open durational alimony, formerly known as permanent alimony, is awarded in cases where the marriage lasted for a significant period, typically 20 years or more. This type of alimony does not have a fixed end date and continues until a significant change in circumstances occurs, such as the retirement of the paying spouse, the remarriage of the receiving spouse, or a substantial change in either party’s financial situation. The purpose of open durational alimony is to provide ongoing support to a spouse who may be unable to achieve the same standard of living as experienced during the marriage due to age, health, or other factors.
Rehabilitative Alimony
Rehabilitative alimony is designed to help a spouse become self-sufficient after the divorce. This type of alimony is often awarded when one spouse has put their career or education on hold to support the other spouse’s career or to care for the family. Rehabilitative alimony provides financial support for a limited time to allow the receiving spouse to gain the necessary skills, education, or training to re-enter the workforce and become economically independent. The duration and amount of rehabilitative alimony are typically based on a specific plan that outlines the steps the receiving spouse will take to achieve self-sufficiency.
Limited Duration Alimony
Limited duration alimony is awarded in cases where the marriage was of a shorter duration, typically less than 20 years. Unlike open durational alimony, this type of alimony has a predetermined end date, which is usually proportional to the length of the marriage. The purpose of limited-duration alimony is to provide temporary support to the receiving spouse to help them adjust to the financial changes brought about by the divorce and to maintain a similar standard of living as encountered during the marriage.
Reimbursement Alimony
Reimbursement alimony is intended to compensate a spouse for financial contributions made toward the other spouse’s education, training, or career advancement during the marriage. For example, if one spouse worked to support the family while the other pursued a professional degree or started a business, the supporting spouse may be entitled to reimbursement alimony. This type of alimony is not based on the need for support but rather on the principle of fairness and the idea that both spouses should benefit from the investments made during the marriage.
Contact Union Divorce Lawyer John B. D’Alessandro for Help With Alimony in New Jersey
Understanding the different types of alimony in New Jersey is crucial for anyone going through a divorce. If you are facing a divorce and have questions about alimony, it is important to consult with an experienced family law attorney who can provide guidance and representation tailored to your situation. The Law Offices of John B. D’Alessandro is here to help clients in Union, Middlesex, and Essex counties navigate the complexities of alimony and other family law matters. Call us today at 908-964-0102 to discuss your case and explore your options.